عبارات شهيره للسادات

1. "السلام عليكم" - An iconic greeting used by Sadat in his speeches and interactions with others.

2. "السلام أفضل من الحرب" - A famous quote by Sadat emphasizing the importance of peace over war.

3. "القوة لا تكون بالحروب والقوة الحقيقية هي في القدرة على السلام" - A statement by Sadat highlighting the true strength in the ability to achieve peace.

4. "السلام ليس ضعفاً، بل هو قوة تستدعي الشجاعة" - Sadat's belief that peace is not a sign of weakness, but rather a strength that requires courage.

5. "السلام يبنى بالإرادة والثقة والعزيمة" - Sadat's view on the essential elements needed to build peace: will, trust, and determination.