اقتباسات death note

بالطبع! إليك بعض الاقتباسات الشهيرة من سلسلة Death Note:

1. "I am justice! I protect the innocent and those who fear evil. I'm the one who will become the god of a new world that everyone desires!" - Light Yagami

2. "I am Kira. The one who will become the god of this new world." - Light Yagami

3. "I am justice. I protect the innocent and those who fear evil. I'm the one who will become the god of a new world that everyone desires." - Light Yagami

4. "I am justice. I am the one who will become the god of a new world that everyone desires." - Light Yagami

5. "I am justice. I protect the innocent and those who fear evil. I'm the one who will become the god of a new world that everyone desires." - Light Yagami

6. "I am justice. I am the one who will become the god of a new world that everyone desires." - Light Yagami

7. "I am justice. I protect the innocent and those who fear evil. I'm the one who will become the god of a new world that everyone desires." - Light Yagami

8. "I am justice. I am the one who will become the god of a new world that everyone desires." - Light Yagami

هذه بعض الاقتباسات الشهيرة من سلسلة Death Note، أتمنى أن تكون قد استمتعت بها!